Tuesday, 9 May 2017

Windows vCenter Server 6.5 installation fails while configuring the vAPI EndPoint Service

Unable to install vCenter 6.5? and receiving one of the following errors.

Errors such as

503 Service Unavailable (Failed to connect to endpoint: [class Vmacore::Http::LocalServiceSpec:0x000000a5bb920790] _serverNamespace = /vsphere-client action = Allow _port = 9090)

503 Service Unavailable (Failed to connect to endpoint: [class Vmacore::Http::NamedPipeServiceSpec:0x000000a5ba8e4320] _serverNamespace = / action = Allow _pipeName =\\.\pipe\vmware-vpxd-webserver-pipe)

Windows vCenter Server 6.5 installation fails while configuring the vAPI EndPoint Service

One of the reasons this is a problem (not presently documented by Vmware)

Is because NTLM is being blocked. During my time chatting with Vmware support they hadn't come across this before and don't presently have a fix for changing NTLM to kerberos authentication.

However if you have the option to and capability to:

These are the following fixes.

- Allow NTLM in all forms on your domain.
- Setup vCenter Appliance. 
 If Vmware come back to me with a fix I'll update the page here.



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