Friday 18 March 2016

Setup DAG on exchange 2010

Best sources I found for setting up DAG on exchange 2010

Thursday 17 March 2016

install programs as a domain user in command prompt

Came across this scenario at work today.

- You need to install a program (e.g flash player) on a machine at work.
  • The only way you have access is remotely via a program called BeAnywhere , which is one time session software with no admin privileges.
  • They don't have team viewer or logmein installed. 
  • The user logged in, is a domain user with no admin privileges.
  • There's no admin users onsite to help out.
  • Because of security you don't want to give out admin passwords over the phone to log on as a different user.
  • You don't know local admin account details.
  • There's an option for admin rights in beanywhere but this doesn't work because of the UAC splash screen asking for admin username and password

Things you do have/could do.
  • it is on the domain and you have domain admin details.
  • You have a third party tool which can reset the local admin password but this is very time consuming.
  • You can send an engineer to site to logon as a domain admin.(again time consuming)
  • You could install the packages via MSI but again this is time consuming, so what's the quickest method.

What do you do? 
sounds like there's no solution right?
Well..there is. If you as an administrator haven't disabled command prompt for domain users.
It's possible to install programs via a domain users command prompt. Even though the command prompt isn't opened with elevated rights.

What to do:
Open command prompt without elevated rights.
Then type:
runas /noprofile /user:DOMAIN\adminaccount "C:\Users\domainuser\Downloads\installpath.exe"

alternatively install a .msi file.

runas /noprofile /user:NGA\cbsadmin "msiexec /i \"C:\Users\localadmin\Downloads\logmein.msi""

This will in turn ask for the domain admin password.

Example below:

Monday 14 March 2016

Number of podcasts showing up in iTunes or Feed

 To change the number of items per feed, go to your WordPress admin, to the “Settings” section and select “Reading”. For the option labeled “Syndication feeds show the most recent”, enter the value you desire.


Friday 11 March 2016

Rollback net framework 4.6.1 to 4.5.2

  1. If the server has already automatically updated to 4.6.1 and has not rebooted yet, do so now to allow the installation to complete
  2. Stop all running services related to Exchange.  You can run the following cmdlet from Exchange Management Shell to accomplish this:  (Test-ServiceHealth).ServicesRunning | %{Stop-Service $_ -Force}
  3. Go to add/remove programs, select view installed updates, and find the entry for KB3102467.  Uninstall the update.  Reboot when prompted.
  4. Check the version of the .NET Framework and verify that it is showing 4.5.2.  If it shows a version prior to 4.5.2 go to windows update, check for updates, and install .NET 4.5.2 via the KB2934520 update.  Do NOT select 4.6.1/KB3102467.  Reboot when prompted.  If it shows 4.5.2 proceed to step 5.
  5. Stop services using the command from step 2.  Run a repair of .NET 4.5.2 by downloading the offline installer, running setup, and choosing the repair option.  Reboot when setup is complete.
  6. Apply the February security updates for .NET 4.5.2 by going to Windows update, checking for updates, and installing KB3122654 and KB3127226.  Do NOT select KB3102467.  Reboot after installation.
  7. After reboot verify that the .NET Framework version is 4.5.2 and that security updates KB3122654 and KB3127226 are installed.
  8. Follow the steps here to block future automatic installations of .NET 4.6.1.

Wednesday 9 March 2016


Get-Mailbox –Arbitration command to see current location of Arbitration mailboxes.

To recreate the Arbitration Mailboxes we first have to remove everything the accompanying user accounts, which can be found in CN=Users in Active Directory:
When the user accounts are deleted you can run the Get-Mailbox –Arbitration command again to see if they are really removed.
Setup.exe /PrepareAD /IAcceptExchangeServerLicenseTerms command again (from the correct installation media by the way) to recreate the Arbitration Mailboxes:
The user accounts are now created again, and the next step is to Mail-Enable them:
Enable-Mailbox –Arbitration –Identity "FederatedEmail.4c1f4d8b-8179-4148-93bf-00a95fa1e042"
Enable-Mailbox –Arbitration –Identity "SystemMailbox{1f05a927-8668-4003-adad-9b80758e86db}"
Enable-Mailbox –Arbitration –Identity "SystemMailbox{e0dc1c29-89c3-4034-b678-e6c29d823ed9}"
Enable-Mailbox –Arbitration –Identity "SystemMailbox{bb558c35-97f1-4cb9-8ff7-d53741dc928c}"
To prevent typos you can also use the following command:
Get-User | Where {$_.Name –like "SystemMailbox*"} | Enable-Mailbox -Arbitration
Get-User | Where {$_.Name –like "FederatedEmail*"} | Enable-Mailbox –Arbitration
The DisplayName of the Arbitration Mailbox SystemMailbox{e0dc1c29-89c3-4034-b678-e6c29d823ed9} needs to be changed to “Microsoft Exchange”. This can be achieved using the following command:
Get-Mailbox –Identity "SystemMailbox{e0dc1c29*" –Arbitration | Set-Mailbox –Arbitration –DisplayName "Microsoft Exchange"
The federation Arbitration Mailbox needs to have a 1MB quota limit set to it, this can be achieved using the following command:
Get-Mailbox –Arbitration –Identity "FederatedEmail*"} | Set-Mailbox –Arbitration –ProhibitSendQuota 1MB
The Arbitration Mailboxes are up and running again, you can check using the Get-Mailbox –Arbitration command:


How to recreate System Mailbox , FederatedEmail & DiscoverySearchMailbox in Exchange 2010

How to Verify these mailboxes are available and its active or not
Running in Exhcange Management Shell
Get-mailbox -arbitration
Should Show up SystemMailbox and FederatedEmail
Must be the same version
Open Command Prompt
Browsed into the Setup location , Run /prepareAd
This would Create System Mailboxes , FederatedEmail & DiscoverySearchMailbox
Extract GUID names in order to Enable them
For Example –
System Mailbox GUID values
FederatedEmail GUID values
DiscoverySearchMailbox GUID values
DiscoverySearchMailbox {D919BA05-46A6-415f-80AD-7E09334BB852}
Now We Got to Enable them – 
Enabling System Mailboxes
Enable-Mailbox –Arbitration "SystemMailbox{Guid Value1}"
Enable-Mailbox –Arbitration "SystemMailbox{Guid Value2}"
Enable-Mailbox –Arbitration "FederatedEmail.Guid Value"
Enable-Mailbox - Discovery "DiscoverySearchMailbox {Guid Value}"
Then in exchange powershell run.
Enable-Mailbox –Arbitration "SystemMailbox{1f05a927-6a9b-4101-abd2-70838d0c8e86}"
Enable-Mailbox –Arbitration "SystemMailbox{e0dc1c29-89c3-4034-b678-e6c29d823ed9}"
Enable-Mailbox –Arbitration "FederatedEmail.4c1f4d8b-8179-4148-93bf-00a95fa1e042"
Enable-Mailbox - Discovery "DiscoverySearchMailbox {D919BA05-46A6-415f-80AD-7E09334BB852}"
Now to Verify If you Did the Right thing
Running this – It should show up your System Mailboxes , FederatedEmail
